Lent is upon us once more and the age old question that passes everyone’s lips, what to give up this year. Should I stop eating chocolate for a month, only to eat a month’s supply of Easter eggs in April, or should I stop driving to save on my carbon footprint, only to fail within 5 minuets of walking in the heat of Hong Kong, sweating buckets and smelling of Graham Street fish market.
I propose a different solution, this year I am not going to give up anything. I am going to take up something. In essence I am going to give up giving up, which is ultimately the flaw in my plan. To stop giving up, I need to give up giving up. And hence I have already failed, but I’m willing to over look this. I’ve always thought the idea of "giving up" to be a very depressing prospect anyway and I’ve not been religious since 2000 so I really shouldn't care about the tradition.So why not flip it on it's head, I should take up not giving up.
Taking up something installs a more positive and free thinking attitude. It allows for a much wider range of possibilities. When you decide to give up something you have to already be doing it, and in essence, there are only a finite number of things that you are currently doing. On the other hand there is ultimately an infinite number of things that you are not doing, that you could take up.
Why not try it this year, look for something new and different that you can do for a month, or even turn your current thoughts on giving up, into thoughts of taking up. If you’re giving up smoking, you’re taking up breathing cleaner air. If you’re giving up sex you’re taking up celibacy. If you’re giving up chocolate, which I am sure everyone woman on earth will try at least once, then you’re taking up a healthier option.
This practice should leave a sense of achievement that’s easier to follow and accomplish than trying to give up something. Try giving up smoking for example, your likely to fail. Then try taking up longer life, cleaner air, nice smelling cloths and the extra pocket money. Thinking this way about your situation is sure to have a better outcome.
As for me, I am simply giving up giving up, and that’s a good enough start.
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