I recently attended two events that can only be described as ultimately different, however, at the same time oddly similar. The events in question both involve a large mass of people forcing drinks down themselves to lubricate their systems, talking to complete strangers, and a genuinly good time had by all.
I regularly attend the famous Happy Valley Races on a Wednesday night, amid the usual social crowd, beer tents and first time winners. I myself was once a virgin racer and I have tasted begginers luck, winning a whole $20, so I can see the appeal. On a similar Wednsday night however, I attended a bankers dating evening, purely for networking purposes of course, despite there being no real appeal for the occasion, I noticed some odd similarities.
At both occasions you are presented with a large array of contestants to choose from. There are the tipped favourites, the experienced oldtimers, the mid ranged runners and of course the last place outsiders. At both occasions you must also ask yourself the same basic questions; Which contestent is a likely winner, who should I bet on, what are my odds of success, which has the best legs and how well they are likely to ride.
At either occasion I would offer the folowing advice. Start by getting the cheat sheet, survey the prospects and if possible get the low down from a regular on each contestant. There are probably a few hidden flaws, always watch out for a wooden leg, and never approach a guaranteed winner, your return is way too small. My advice would be to hedge your bets, play the field and more importantly then not, go with whatever name sounds the best.
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