The Expat lifestyle from start to finish

Follow my trials and tribulations as I begin my life in a new country, half way round the world.

Friday 12 February 2010

Job losses, death's, theft's and bruises

Someone once told me that life will keep throwing up road blocks, you just have to know that you can drive straight through them.

Despite this however, I always thought there would be a breaking point, I mean we all have our limits. Alexander McQueen committed suicide when his mother died, Heath Ledger overdosed trying to find perfection and even Hitler committed suicide eventually, all be it too late if you ask me.

The thing is, I never seem to reach the end of my tether. I've not been through anything especially tragic, just the usual; cheating girlfriends, job losses, deaths, thefts and bruises. I seem to go through life getting small kicks and hits and after each one I feel sad, but I bounce back. I don't understand why I keep bouncing back, I just do. After each new small tragedy I just seem to take it on the chin, and get over it.

But then I think, why am I just taking this so casually, why don't I get worked up, why don't I hit something, exploded, cry, or even drink?

There is only one answer, "its all relative, even if we don't understand, its all understood" (Jack Johnson - Its all understood)

I continually hold out for that good event, the one Karma keeps me believing will come around. The thing is, I'm getting closer to asking if that's all we ever do. Are we always holding out for that one moment in our lives when we can say it has all been worth it? Because if we are, what happens after that. After all it's all relative, its only a good event because we have bad events to compare them with.

Karma has taught me that there is a definite balance between everything in the universe. Ultimately it can be simplified down to good and bad things, although these definitions are unendingly more complex.

We experience something good, and we experience something bad, they balance each other out eventually, all be it randomly and unpredictably. At its most basic it's like tossing a coin, you're either going to get a head or a tail, and eventually if tossed enough times you'll end up with 50% of each (many would argue that its more like 40:60, but thats an entirely different debate).

So when we reach this one moment we strive for, we are inevitably just going to experience the exact opposite somewhere further down the line to balance it out. Seeing as this balance will never end until we die, there is no ultimate high without an ultimate low.

So I say look out for all the high's rather then just that one big one. We all experience the lows, big or small, but we rarely appreciate anything but the big high's.

So yes, once again life has kicked me in the teeth, but it's the knowledge that something good is certain to happen, no matter how small, that is keeping me going.

Always celebrate the good things, no matter how small; from arriving at the bus stop just as the bus arrives, to getting the perfect job. Ultimately life will kick you in the teeth, MULTIPLE times. Finding the happiness in life is hard but it can be found none the less.

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