The Expat lifestyle from start to finish

Follow my trials and tribulations as I begin my life in a new country, half way round the world.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

True learning begins when University ends.

When I passed my driving test at the ripe old age of 17, I thought I knew everything. I sat in the driving seat with a smile one my face from ear to ear. Soon my hopes and dreams of traveling the country were quashed however, as my father offered me the following statement.

"You've passed your test, so now I'm going to teach you how to drive"

My father had been told the same by his father, as his father had told him, for as far back as it was possible to drive. Seeing as my father is rather old, it might have only been two generations, however, the statement still holds true today, and not just for driving.

Now that I have finished Uni, I have only started to learn about life. Uni has given me the understanding, but its applying it to the real world that's hard. You cant be taught this and its a shock for everyone. trust me, many people wont admit it, but the first thing a graduate feels when he leaves Uni isn't relief, gratification or joy, its the dreaded thought "holy hell what am I gonna do with my life". its the reason I went back to Uni for a post grad degree, because life is just to scary and Uni provides a safe haven, where you don't have to think about anything past your next essay or club social. There are those that have jobs straight out of Uni, but they are few and far between, especially this year.

Despite all of this its time for me to finally find my place in the world. Its that or a PHD. I'll get on to the reason I've had to travel half way round the world to do it in a later post, but for now, I'd like to thank my father.

Uni has finished and its time I started learning.

I turn 23 next week, I'm in Hong Kong, and with; 2 degrees, 3 A levels, 4 As Levels, 9 GCSE and a BTEC, my life has truly begun.

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