The Expat lifestyle from start to finish

Follow my trials and tribulations as I begin my life in a new country, half way round the world.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Life before life began.

I've been in HK for over 2 months now so some might say this blog is a Little behind the times. I've been thinking about writing since I got out here, but its never really happened until now. Don't worry its a long story short.

So England, why would anyone leave? Or more to the point why would anyone stay? At University people always ask 2 really important questions when you first meet.

1 - What grades did you get at A level?
2 - Where do you come from?

If your asking a girl however there are two additional questions one should consider as a fresher;

3 - What course are you on? (So I can sit next to you and flirt instead of learn)
4 - What halls are you in? (If your within walking distance then we can be friends)

The funny thing is, students only ever ask names after all this faf, and believe me when your in your 4th year, having to answer questions about A levels really is a FAF. Its almost as bad as having to answer the second question. Trust me, trying to explain to anyone who lives in the north were Surrey is is like trying to tell the difference between whisky and Scotch. I eventually just say London, although its 2 hours outside, its a good reference point and it shuts people up.

I quickly learnt that at Uni where your from is very important, so after many a boring explanation about how I'm not actually from London, and my name isn't actually "JD" its just my initials, after the "R" of course, I gave up and decided to embrace my Scottish heritage instead. Its closer to the north and so easier to explain location wise, and everyone from outside the UK doesn't hate you for being British, they love you for being Scottish and for putting up with the British.

I am sure everyone reinvents themselves when they go to Uni. I changed my name from Richard to "JD" and bought a Kilt. I must point out I have never actually been called Richard by anyone except my parents, I was always called by my last name at school. When your named after an Australian toilet ( a Dunnies) you can see why I decided a change was needed.

After all this and with University and school behind me the only thing left is a Job, or travel the world. I would have chosen the latter, only I've spent near on 30k on Uni so it be best to stop spending. After three solid months of job hunting after Uni, and two years on On/Off hunting at Uni, I gave up. Hitting the job market in the middle of the worst recession in history really makes a man out of a mouse.

When I left Uni after my Undergrad I was a Mouse, scared of work, and what to do. Thankfully however after my more successful postgraduate degree, the recession had made a man out of me. Still nothing could have solved the fact that England has nothing to offer. My parents don't even live there anymore. There are many reasons why I embrace my Scottish side, and its mainly because I just don't enjoy being British. Its too homely, behind the times, full of memories of an old life and generally just to "British". I felt it was time to move on, and why not Hong Kong.

The opportunity arose and I took it with both hands, and so here I am. Scared out of my mind whether I have made the right decision. At least I don't miss England.

Truth be told Its my friends I miss. They made University what University is, and I miss University. When I left school for Uni I couldn't wait to get a job and have money and a career, its University that changed my mind, got me to slow down and become less focused on life. As my Birthday approaches I find myself longing for the fresher experience again, asking the 4 questions, having 3 years to put off starting my life once more.

University should ready you for life to begin, its left me asking if I'm ready to begin my life?

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